Support Forum Membership and Rules

Support Forum Membership and Rules

The Support for Partners forum is intended to be a safe, open and welcoming place where partners of childhood sexual abuse survivors can find some support from people who are in similar circumstances. The forum is not a substitute for professional counseling! This is a 'peer support' forum - a group of people in similar circumstances sharing information, stories, successes and challenges as a way of supporting each other.

Users in this forum can remain anonymous, or they can choose to share more personal information if they are comfortable with that. Regardless, the forum is open to and viewable only by registered users.

Forum members must refrain from identifying their survivors. Do not use names, but instead refer to your survivor as 'wife', 'partner', 'boy-friend', etc. The survivor has the right to maintain their privacy, and we partners must respect and care for that in this forum.

To join the forum you must complete the online application form, providing some basic information and a few paragraphs introducing your story. You will only be granted access to the forum after the initial message has been reviewed and approved by the Forum Coordinator or Forum Administrator.

The forum is for partners, not for survivors. We define 'partner' as someone who is in an intimate, ongoing, committed relationship with a survivor of sexual abuse, either living together or separated. This excludes friends, counselors, advisors, family members and parents.

Access to the forum is restricted, and any member who shares their login access or the materials in this forum with someone else will be banned from the forum.

Communication must be confidential, respectful and supportive. The forum is a safe and confidential place for sharing experiences and providing support, not for name-calling, denigrating language, or disrespectful behavior. Members who violate this rule will be given a warning first, and then removed on the second offense.

What is said in the forum stays in the forum - you may not copy it or refer to it anywhere outside the forum. Members who violate this rule will be removed from the forum.

Responses to member postings should focus on the original poster, not on a responder's issues. If a member's posting spurs thought on some new issue, then a new posting should be done for that.

Members may not apply for or access the forum through proxy servers or use any other methods of hiding their identity from the system administrators.

If you agree to this and are ready to apply for the Support forum, please click here to complete the application form.